About Us

We are an independent religious community, without a creed.

We believe in respect and compassion for each other, spiritual growth, learning and understanding, and the interdependent web of existence.
We love music, art and exploring ideas
We love to talk, eat, sing and be with each other.

We are a registered 501c.3 organization in the State of Washington, UBI # 605 518 519

Become a Member

Print and fill out the membership form and send to Membership Chair Judy McCutchen at 2775 Claremont Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368, email it to salishseafellowship@gmail.com or bring it to the next service.

Make a financial pledge of support

A pledge is your promise to make a financial contribution sometime before the end of 2024.  Knowing in advance how much to expect in contributions allows our Board to manage our financial affairs.  Please download and fill out this Pledge Form and email to salishseafellowship@gmail.com, or by mail to Judy King, 260 McMinn Rd., Port Townsend, WA 98368.

Current Budget — Budget 2024

Become a member of the Sunday Services team!

Want to help out with our services?  There are lots of opportunities from greeting to cleanup.  Contact Terry Copeland for details.  terryfredcopeland@gmail.com

Our Board of Directors

President, Nils Pedersen

Vice President, Rob Wamstad

Treasurer, Judy King

Secretary, Gary Nelson

Member at Large, Ron Strange